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Denise Samuels

Director, Roswell Community Little Theater

Her beautiful smile grows even bigger when Denise Samuels speaks of the Roswell Community Little Theater, (RCLT).

Denise describes herself as someone who loves to make people happy. She is someone who spreads joy and shares love with the people around her. She’s been doing exactly that since she was a youngster performing on a makeshift stage otherwise known as the front porch of her family’s home in Tennessee.

Denise is married to Chris Samuels who is also active in RCLT. Her children, Keith Lucero and Alice Samuels have both acted in RCLT productions. Her family is an integral part of the theater in Roswell. Denise works for Roswell Independent School District in the special education division but makes time for community theater to serve on the board and on the play selection committee. She is also an actress and director for RCLT. Denise is the directing RCLT’s next play, Four Old Broads.

Last spring, Denise directed the play, Dearly Beloved starring several seasoned actors and a few brand-new performers. It was the first play she directed, and she really enjoyed it. The performance shined with Denise’s characteristic joy, and the cast fairly glows when speaking of working with Denise. Roswell can expect some of the same qualities in the next performance. It is funny and light and even a bit bawdy. The characters are endearing, and the plot ends with a twist that will keep the audience guessing.

When speaking of her years in the theater, Denise describes performing and directing with family members in the production. These “family affairs” have formed lasting memories. In Dearly Beloved, both her daughter and her husband had major roles that enlivened the performance and unified the cast.

Denise tells of her early years as a script writer in grade school. She and a friend created a puppet skit that detailed the need for, and effect of, baptism. They performed it in their local church with the permission and oversight of the pastor. Later in high school, Denise not only sang in the choir but participated in the high school theater ensemble. Her interest and dedication to live performance culminated in her participation and leadership in RCLT. In 2012 Denise was in the premier performance of Small Talk in the new theater at Union and Hobbs.

Not long after Denise began at RCLT she experienced an impromptu adventure in a play. The play called for Denise and another actress to be embroiled in a heated argument. Performing live one evening, Denise had just gotten to the argument when one of the pictures on the stage wall crashed to the floor. Adlibbing, Denise said, “Now see what you’ve done?” and walked off stage to collect herself and laugh. Remaining in character, Denise returned immediately to the stage and her partner said, “Are you through?” She answered, “Yes.” They finished the scene according to the script.

From this on stage set-failure-adventure, Denise learned that she could rise to the occasion and make things better using her own creativity. She learned also that the cast was a team who held each other up as they worked towards the best outcome for the live performance.

Despite her wealth of experience in the theater, Denise admits to butterflies on opening night and wishes for greater confidence. However, her cast members have shared that she is a great listener who is judicious in making changes. Denise can certainly trust her decisions.

Graphics by Squirrel Graphics for RCLT

Four Old Broads opens at RCLT February 25, 2022. RCLT hopes to see you there. For more information go to