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Alethea Hartwell

Thanks to Alethea Hartwell and her passion for improv, Mission Improvable is coming to you again live April 22nd at the Roswell Community Little Theater (RCLT). The show begins at 7:30 p.m.

In a recent interview, Alethea says that the skills an actor learns in improv are so applicable to daily life. She describes three principles that actors focus on as they learn improv. and how those skills can translate into healthy relationships and better life.

The first principle is, “yes and.” Working with actors in improv, a simple “yes,” carries the story forward. A “no,” can stop the momentum and sometimes even the story element of the improvisation. Add the “and,” to the yes and momentum and story increase. Alethea makes the case that in life relationships may be strengthened by agreement where possible and adding the “and,” is adding encouragement.

The second principle is: “Always make the other person look like a genius.” In a performance this brings out the best in the troupe, in life it brings out the timid, helps raise the conversation from derision to joy and solicits a person’s best response.

Alethea spoke of one final principle: “Practice active listening.” On stage, active listening sharpens the storyline and allows people to drop into the imagined scene more easily. The whole troupe is more confident in proceeding. In life, active listening strengthens healthy relationships and is the foundation of compassion.

Of course, improv is fun and full of laughter, so come and see the show.

Improv Rehearsal

Next up for Alethea? She has been cast as Miss Peacock in Kathy Cook’s latest play, Clue: On Stage. Alethea is a fabulous comedic actor, and this play has ample places for her to shine. Kathy Cook has assembled a wonderful cast and they are hard at work in rehearsals.

If you’re a fan of the game Clue, or the movie, Clue, or just wanting a great night out full or laughter, don’t miss Clue: On Stage. May 6th, 7th, 13th, and 14th at 7:30 p.m. and May 8th and 15th at 2:30 p.m. at Roswell Community Little Theatre. For more information, click on the image below.

Clue:On Stage